Standing with Texas Means We Stand with America

By Mike Clancy (Newsmax)

It is time to stand with Texas. We have an unprecedented crisis at our southern border. For three years now Biden and the Democrats have operated our border as a wide-open gateway for massive illegal immigration.

An influx which has brought members from terrorist groups into our country; ushered human trafficking, and served as a fentanyl pipeline to local communities and schools nationally. 

This means every state is now a border state.

Texas is fighting back to secure its border, to protect its sovereignty, and to protect its citizens. Yet Biden and the Democrats are doing everything possible --- including a lawsuit against the Governor of Texas --- to keep the southern border wide open for illegal immigration and to perpetuate this massive chaotic crisis.

Texas has every right to protect its sovereignty and its citizens. Article 1, section 10 of the Constitution provides a state the right to act when there is "imminent danger," which is certainly the situation confronting Texas and our country today.

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03.02.2024, Newsmax Interview (Tom Basile)
