Want to Restore America? Bring Free Speech Back

By Mike Clancy (Newsmax)

We are losing our country to the Democrats' radical, extremist progressive ideology and their assault on free speech through government censorship of conservative voices on social media, and the draconian regulation of speech on college campuses. We the people must fight back. We must restore America. We must restore free speech and end government-sponsored censorship.

Free speech is indispensable to our freedom. This right is absolutely guaranteed to "we the people" by the First Amendment. It is a right that protects freedom of expression (with narrowly limited exceptions) regardless of the message, ideas, subject matter or content.

Indeed, James Madison considered free speech essential to our constitutional government:

"Our First Amendment freedoms give us the right to think what we like and say what we please. And if we the people are to govern ourselves, we must have these rights, even if they are misused by a minority."

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10.06.23: WMAL VA-10 Congressional Candidate Mike Clancy Interview